Keeping Your Commercial Space Sanitized After COVID-19
28 October, 2020A Decade of Sustainability in Construction and Renovation
20 November, 2020The architecture and materials utilized in the construction industry can have lasting impacts on the environment, from emissions to material waste. In the pursuit of a sustainable future, sustainability education is imperative for new and old designers and renovators alike. Sustainability can be considered the new norm—across all fronts—but is especially important in lasting industries including construction and design.
For manufacturing companies, producing sustainable materials is the first step to understanding how best to assist designers and their future endeavors. Some mills have partnered with top universities to get the latest insights on sustainable discoveries. This research done at these universities covers topics ranging from over consumption and ethical design, to climate change, pollution from plastics, and more. The insights gained from these courses can help to further knowledge not only for the students but also for the manufacturers and builders. Learning to source and produce the right materials during pre-construction is considered the most impactful stage in the pursuit of sustainable building.
Stemming from the research done by these students, many tenets have been established to approach sustainability and aid established companies. These tenets not only address the changes needed for sustainability, but best business practices as larger companies are faced with the challenges of addressing these changes.
Thankfully, in a consistent initiative to innovate within the industry, our team at CIC has implemented a new approach to improve our sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint by using more eco-friendly materials and adjusting our day-to-day procedures.
Being headquartered in South Florida, sustainability and the impact our work has on the environment is at the forefront of our minds. Prior to all projects, we at CIC perform extensive research committing ourselves to only the most sustainable manufacturers to minimize environmental impact.
We only partner with manufacturers with a similar commitment to sustainable construction. Our team pledges to use the most sustainable materials available, supporting local sources, and prioritizing efficient building.
Additionally, our team at CIC is able to work more efficiently using the top technology in the industry while being conscious of the impact we have on the environment. Our use of 3D rendering aids for virtual walkthroughs to prevent changes of materials and minimizing potential waste on projects by finalizing the look of our projects before we break ground.
Have questions about how CIC is innovating for our future projects? Give us a call at (305)636-3700 to learn more.